The Rich Jerk a.ka. Kelly Felix wrote an eBook called 'The Rich Jerk's Guide to Making Money Online'. It has created quite a stir in the internet marketing sphere for the unorthodox but rather effective methods of marketing being promoted by the eBook’s author. He had a way of conveying things which proved to be effective in how to earn money online to some extent but made many people quite unhappy due to the unethical methods espoused in the eBook by the Rich Jerk.
Holly Mann bought a copy of the Rich Jerk’s ebook, became an affiliate for the ebook, and then promoted her Rich Jerk affiliate site until it got some good ranking in the search engine results pages leading to some good sales numbers. However though, she came to realize that the methods espoused by the Rich Jerk were unethical and that she could teach others succeed in earning money online using exactly her own techniques. As such, she wrote an eBook.
The first edition of the Ebook, named ‘Breakthrough Money Making Secrets Revealed’ previously titled by Holly as ‘No Thank You Rich Jerk’, was priced just less than $20. It was less than 50 pages but it was full of information and facts which made it sell like hotcakes back then. The eBook was subsequently renamed to ‘Honest Riches’. As such, Holly Mann honestly reveals what she did exactly, step by step, to her success in making money online via internet marketing.

It was a hotly sold item at less than $20. This version has already been discontinued.
With the changing trends in the internet marketing arena in 2007, the techniques and strategies needed to change a bit in order to cope up with the 2007 trends. Holly Mann then updated her eBook and released the updated version as ‘Honest Riches’ New 2nd Edition in early 2007. This eBook, about 95 pages of very useful information and tips for the beginners, was just actually a remake of the original version. It has continued to sell like hotcakes resulting from the numerous positive feedbacks brought about by the original version of her eBook. Those who were able to purchase the original version are entitled to get the newer version for free.

It has 95 pages of information, without fluff and fillers. Continued to sell like hotcakes at just $37.
Holly’s Honest Riches eBook series is a useful tool and a best friend of an amateur internet marketer in his goal to make money on the internet. In this eBook, Holly teaches the basics, in a step by step manner, in exploring some options to take as well as determining the potential drawbacks which can lead to waste of time, effort, and money. She also finds that so many so called internet marketing gurus are just after sales and are less than honest. Many beginners who have purchased the eBook, have said one thing in common: that the information contained in the eBook are too valuable for any beginner to take for granted or ignore. They have urged every other beginner to get a copy of the eBook and start pursuing their goal to make money from home. As they say, the right time to act is now…another day passed is another day wasted. As they say…Just Do It.